RCSC Advising

Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor and review your advising resources.

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Arianna Buchanan

Arianna Buchanan

First-Year Academic Advisor
HDFS Minor
Amye Chaparro Headshot

Amye Chaparro

Academic Advisor (Main campus)
RCSC majors sophomores, juniors, seniors
Minors: RCSC, Digital Retailing
Certificates: Digital Retailing
Tiffany Ortega

Tiffany Ortega

Academic Advisor
PFFP major: sophomores, juniors, seniors
HDFS major/minor (Online)
RCSC major, Digital Retailing minor/certificate, Foundations of Retail Management certificate (Online)

Degree Catalog Checklists & Forms

Download easy to follow checklists and important forms to help keep you on track for your ideal graduation date.

Steps for Identifying Preceptor Opportunities

  1. Talk with the instructor that you are interested in being a preceptor for. This should be a professor who teaches a course that you have taken/are currently taking and have done well in. Talk with them about your interest in being a preceptor, if they're in need of preceptors, and what the requirements/expectations are of being a preceptor for them in their class.
  2. Complete the preceptor application with your professor.
  3. Turn the signed and completed form in to your academic advisor for enrollment.

Steps for Identifying Research Opportunities

  1. Browse Faculty Research Interests & Labs on the directory page of the Norton School website
  2. Once you’ve identified a faculty member who is doing research that you are interested in, send them an email! Introduce yourself, let them know who you are and why you are interested in the research they are doing, and ask if you can set up a time to talk more about any research opportunities they have available. If they don’t have any research opportunities available, ask them to point you in the direction of other faculty members who might have openings instead!
  3. Complete the Independent study form with your faculty member
  4. Turn the signed and completed form in to your academic advisor for enrollment
    1. 1 unit = 45 hours of work, 2 units = 90 hours of work, 3 units = 135 hours.
    2. 499 is independent study (Pass/Fail, not included in GPA), and 492 is research (letter graded, will go toward GPA). Talk with your faculty member about what course you want to enroll in, and what works for both of you!

Registration Information

  • Registration for Summer session will begin on April 1st at 6am for all students
  • The Schedule of Classes for Fall and Summer classes will be available to view beginning March 1st
  • Your priority registration date will be listed on your Student Center, on the right sidebar, under Enrollment Appointment. Remember that your enrollment date is based on your class standing, which is based on units completed as of the beginning of this semester, not how many years you’ve been a student. You need 30 units for Sophomores, 60 units for Juniors, and 90 units for Seniors.
  • Registration will open on your enrollment appointment date and will remain open until the next semester begins.
  • Unit Limit: Students may add a maximum of 19 units for a fall or spring semester course load. Students must request permission from their academic advisor to enroll more than 19 units. Summer and winter sessions have different maximum units that are allowed - View Maximum Number of Units Allowed Per Semester
  • Take care of any holds that will restrict you from registering! Advisors cannot override financial holds or save seats for you if you have holds on your account.
  • RCSC Minors can begin enrolling into Fall 2024 RCSC classes on April 17th (subject to change)

RCSC Courses

Non-RCSC courses for RCSC Major

  • For ACCT 250, you will enroll during priority registration if there is availability in the course. If the course is full, you can go to the class on the first day to get on a request list.
  • PSY 230 and PSY 290A are only open to Psychology majors during priority registration. These courses will be open to all students after priority registration ends.
  • SOC 375 and SOC 374 require department consent for non-Sociology majors. See the department office in Social Sciences, Room 400, for assistance.
  • ACBS 446/447: These courses are restricted to their majors during priority registration. If there are seats available after priority registration ends, you will be able to enroll yourself.

If you're having trouble enrolling in a class, please read the error message carefully before asking an advisor. Make sure you look at the listed enrollment requirements for each class to understand the requirements to enroll!

  • Are you trying to enroll in a course that is restricted only to Honors students?
  • Do you need a placement for the class? (common for math and science classes)
  • Does the class require a certain pre-requisite?
  • Are you trying to enroll in a course that is restricted only to certain majors? If so, you may need to wait until open registration to enroll.
  • Is the class full?
  • Is there a time conflict with a class in which you’re already enrolled?
  • Are you trying to enroll in more than 19 units? You need advisor permission to take more than 19 units!

Enrollment Support

  1. View Enrollment Tutorials for more assistance.
  2. Searching for Classes Video Tutorial
    1. Class Search Field Guide PDF
  3. Add and Enroll in Classes Video Tutorial
    1. Add Classes Tutorial PDF
  4. Drop, Swap and Edit Classes Video Tutorial
    1. Drop Classes Tutorial PDF
    2. Swap Classes Tutorial PDF