Steps for Declaring the HDFS Minor:
- The HDFS Minor is available to both main campus students and students part of the Arizona Online Campus. All students interested in the HDFS minor must complete the following online information session and form. Students must have a 2.0 GPA to be considered for the HDFS minor.
Complete the Online Information Session and Declare Your Minor Here
- HDFS advisors will review and approve new minor requests weekly, so students should expect to see their HDFS Minor added within 5-10 business days. Students will be notified via email that they have been accepted to the minor.
- After priority registration, and once admitted to the minor, students will be able to register for HDFS courses.
*Please note only HDFS academic advisors can declare the HDFS minor for a student.
HDFS Minor Requirements:
- 6 classes (18 units total)
- 3 of those classes (9 units) need to be upper division (300-499 level)
- HDFS 117 Lifespan Human Development is a recommended first course, as it will prepare students for upper division HDFS classes. Review the HDFS prerequisite guide on our website too, in order to see what courses we recommend you take first before enrolling in upper level HDFS classes
- HDFS minors can enroll in HDFS classes when open registration begins every semester
- HDFS classes are also offered in the winter & summer and minors are encouraged to take classes in these sessions
The HDFS Minor is available to all students who are not declared as HDFS Majors. The HDFS Minor is available to both main campus students and students part of the Arizona Online Campus.
- View the HDFS Minor Handout
- View the current list of HDFS courses offered in Fall and Summer 2024
Please read all information listed on the above minor handout and the information posted below. If you have further questions, contact the HDFS minor advisor.
Enrollment / Registration Information:
- Please note that entry into the minor does not guarantee entry into HDFS classes, especially during Fall and Spring. Once enrollment begins, HDFS minors will be able to add any HDFS classes with open seats. HDFS minors are encouraged to take Summer courses, which are open to all students.
- A number of HDFS classes (many online) are offered in Summer sessions, and you are strongly encouraged to take these classes. It is possible to complete minor requirements in Summer sessions prior to being declared a minor. Also note, if we have open seats in our HDFS classes at the beginning of each fall and spring semester, we often open many of those classes to other majors and minors on campus, given availability. You are welcome to enroll in classes that have been open to all UA students, even if your minor has not officially been declared as HDFS. It is the student's responsibility to check UAccess for availability of courses.
- We can accept up to six units of Experiential Coursework, like HDFS preceptorship, research, or internship. To enroll in these units, students must complete the required applications.
- For research, independent study, and preceptorships: Find Applications Here
- For Internship: Find Applications Here (internship credit is only available to HDFS Main Campus Minors and only available during the summer term)
- View HDFS Minor Pre-requisite Guide
- View HDFS Minor for AZ Online Pre-requiste Guide & Typical Course Offerings here
- HDFS 117 (or an equivalent course) is a prerequisite to many upper division HDFS courses, so 117 is a recommended beginning course for all HDFS minors
- PSY 240 (Developmental Psychology) may be accepted as an equivalent course to HDFS 117 in order to meet prerequisites. However, PSY 240 cannot be used toward the HDFS Minor, so students with PSY 240 credit will still need to complete 18 Units of HDFS Minor coursework.
- All prerequisites are monitored by HDFS Faculty. If students do not have the proper prerequisite coursework listed on UAccess, instructors may remove students from a course. If you have questions about your prior coursework and eligibility to enroll, contact an HDFS advisor or the professor teaching the course
- HDFS 384 Leadership, Ethics, and Professional Practices is only available to HDFS majors, and is not available to HDFS minors
HDFS Minor Advising Main Campus:
- Arianna Buchanan
- HDFS Minors are asked to attend drop-in hours or email Arianna with advising questions, appointments are not available for minors.
- View scheduled drop-in hours online here
- You can also email with general questions:
HDFS Minor Advising Online Campus:
- Tiffany Ortega
- Check appointment availability with Tiffany online here
- You can also email with general questions:
Transfer Coursework
Use the Course Equivalency Guide on to view course equivalencies at other AZ Community Colleges and Universities.
Pima Community College Courses:
- ECE 107 = HDFS 117
- SOC 127 = HDFS 257
- ECE 117 can be accepted as HDFS 323. ECE 117 counts as lower division credit, so students will still need to complete 9 upper division units of HDFS coursework in addition to ECE 117
Arizona Western College Courses:
- FAS 238 / PSY 238 = HDFS 117
- FAS 160 / SOC 160 = HDFS 237
- FAS 220 = HDFS 257
If you have taken HDFS courses at a school outside of Arizona, or you took a course at an Arizona school that is not listed on the Arizona transfer website, please contact your HDFS advisor to have your transfer credit evaluated. Please send a course description and syllabus to your advisor for review
Double Use of Courses:
- Courses used in the HDFS Minor may not be applied to a student's major or second minor (for example, if HDFS 200 is used in your Psychology major, it cannot also be used in the HDFS minor)
- HDFS Minor courses may be used toward the pre-major section of a student’s major degree plan (for example, HDFS 117 can be used toward pre-nursing requirements and the HDFS Minor)
- For students following Gen Ed Tiers Structure Before 2022:
- A maximum of two Tier Two Gen Ed courses may also be used to satisfy the minor requirements, per UA policy
- For students following New Gen Ed Structure that Begins 2022:
- Up to 9 units total (3 courses) may be used to fulfill General Education Exploring Perspectives or Building Connections requirements while simultaneously fulfilling requirements in a major, pre-major, or minor.
- HDFS 150B1 cannot be used in the HDFS Minor
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