10-weeks with $5,000 stipend and paid college credit.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium, or UROC, is administered by the University of Arizona Graduate College, and provides participants with excellent research training and graduate school preparation through:
- research experience under the guidance of a faculty mentor
- professional development and graduate admission workshops
- social networking and a community building with like-minded peers
- poster session, oral presentation, and abstract writing
- a free comprehensive GRE workshop
- and a $5,000* summer stipend.
Typical eligibility requirements:
- Class standing (juniors and seniors)
- US citizen or permanent resident
- 3.0 GPA or above
- Interest in pursuing graduate education, particularly in earning a master’s or PhD
For more information, visit the UROC website: https://grad.arizona.edu/diversityprograms/uroc. Applications are due February 1, 2023.
UArizona Graduate School