Council of Alumni and Friends

Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends



The purpose of the Alumni Council is to aid and support the goals of the Norton School of Human Ecology through the participation in and communication of all relevant activities. During the year we host graduation celebrations, and alumni receptions for past and present alumni. In addition to the many activities we coordinate and participate in, we raise money for student scholarships while serving as advocates on behalf of the School.

Questions? Email us using our online form or  at



Join the Norton Council of Alumni and Friends!

Alums of the Norton School are automatically a part of the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends and are welcome to participate in our activities and events, but we welcome you to become more involved! We invite you to become actively involved as a Supporting Member of the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends. As a Supporting Member, you will have a voice to share your opinions and ideas and have a vote in the decisions being made. You will have unique opportunities to participate in programs and activities the Council sponsors. In these especially difficult times, our students can use your support more than ever.

Homecoming Event and Awards

Homecoming will take place this year the weekend of Saturday, October 19th, culminating with our Wildcats taking on the Colorado Buffaloes!  Our Council event is typically held the Friday before homecoming, so please check back here for more details. Check the 2024 Arizona Football schedule here. Soon you will be able to explore everything we have planned for Wildcat alumni, students, and friends at Homecoming 2024 celebrations.

Giving and Scholarship

Each year, the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends awards scholarships to deserving Norton School students. This year, the Council awarded $10,500 in scholarships for the 2023‐2024 school year. Over $106,500 in scholarships have been awarded to Norton School students since 2015! Scholarship awards come from donations to the Council’s Scholarship Fund made by alumni and friends like yourself during our annual scholarship drive.

Alumni Photo Gallery

Every now and again, our council loves to host events where all Alumni are welcome to return to Norton for a fun social event! Stay tuned to attend our next social!

Council of Alumni and Friends Awards

One of the indicators of the quality of a school and its programs is the endeavors and accomplishments of its alumni. Recognizing and honoring our graduates for their body of work in the profession and for their contributions to enhancing the lives of individuals, families and communities is an important aspect of the work of the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends. Your assistance in identifying individuals who deserve to be recognized by our school, our college and our university is vital to the success of our work. You are the ones who have known our graduates as students and have watched them as they have developed into outstanding professionals and community leaders.

Nominate someone for one of our Awards using the online form here -

Emerging Professional Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated superior performance in her/his field of endeavor and has made a significant contribution to the well-being of families and consumers and is less than 15 years from graduation.

Professional Achievement Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated superior performance in her/his field of endeavor and has made a significant contribution to the well-being of families and consumers and is 15 years or more from graduation. Preference will be given to an individual who has received a degree from the University of Arizona in the School of Human Ecology.

Judy Mellor Alumni Volunteer Service Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the well-being of families and consumers through outstanding leadership and volunteer service to the community and/or to the School and the University.

Faculty Award is presented to a faculty member of the Norton School of Human Ecology for outstanding service and support for the Council of Alumni and Friends.

Staff Award is presented to a University Staff member of the Norton School of Human Ecology for outstanding service and support for the Council of Alumni and Friends.

Special Recognition Award is presented to an individual or group in recognition of special service provided to the Norton School and/or students.

All awards will be presented as follows:

  • Form of Award: Certificate
  • Time of Award: Homecoming Event
  • Number of Awards: Maximum of two per year per category

Attendance is expected at the our annual Homecoming Event and Awards Ceremony.

The Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends will also consider nominations for additional CALES and UA Alumni Foundation Awards nominations on your behalf.  

To learn more about our past award recipients, please click here

History of the Council of Alumni and Friends

In the fall of 1979, Helen Goetz had the idea of organizing a "council" of alumni to serve as a lead between a college dean and the alumni to promote a strong feeling of a college's administration and it's alumni was born. Helen spearheaded the collection of 25 alumni signatures for the establishment of a Council of the School of Home Economics; prepared the by­laws and a proposed slate of officers. A meeting was held to determine the officers by those who attended. They were: Vivian Bancroft-Swift, president, Beth Martin, vice president, Jackie Bell, treasurer(with no money to allocate), Helen Goetz, secretary and repre­sentative to UA Alumni Board. Naomi Reich was urged to be faculty advisor. The official Charter was dated June 7, 1980, signed by Alumni Association President Donald Butler and Director of Alumni Michael J. Harold.

In the fall of 1981, a letter to all home economics alumni(over 10,000) was mailed by the Alumni Asso­ciation to inform them of the "new" council's organi­zation. About 300 returned the return card indicating that they were willing to become active members.

The first meeting of the '"Home Economics Coun­cil of Alumni and Friends" ( original council name) held it's first annual meeting during Homecoming on Saturday, October 24, 1981. Forty-eight people attended the meeting. Members voted to continue the term of office of the interim officers: Vivian Bancroft, President; Ingleby Mitchell, Vice President; Jacqueline Bell, Treasurer.

What do we mean by "Alumni Council?"

Some of our alumni may wonder how a "council" differs from an "alumni club." All of us know about clubs, but in 1980 The University of Ari­zona Alumni Board organized groups, named councils, as a means to establish a closer relationship between the Association and the deans and faculty of The University. Upon a request signed by 25 alumni of a particular unit, a charter would be issued and the council could appoint a representative to the Alumni Board who had a vote on all Board matters.
The FCR Council (Home Economics) was organized in 1981. Letters were mailed to all known alumni asking for a return of a post­card indicating if they were interested in membership. As with all The University of Arizona alumni organizations, membership is auto­matic for all former students who either have received a degree or completed at least 30 units of credit at The University of Arizona. The by-laws of the FCR Council give the following purpose:

"The purpose of the Council of Alumni and Friends of the School of Family and Consumer Resources, herein called the Coun­cil, is to aid and support the School of Family and Consumer Re­sources by establishing a means through which the alumni and friends of the School may participate in and be informed of current and pro­jected activities of the School. Members of the Council may be in­volved in the review and planning of educational programs, and through financial support establish scholarships and other funds for School needs. The members of the Council will be encouraged to serve,as advocates on behalf of the School in the community at large."

When the Agriculture Alumni Council was organized in 1982, seven home economics alumni (including the president-elect) be­came members of the board of that council. Since that time, no less than three FCR alumni have served on the COA Council, two as presidents and one is a member of the executive committee of that council and another is incoming president for 1995-96.

The close working relationship between the two councils within the College of Agriculture is shovm in the wording of the oper­ating procedures of the by-laws of the two which read (for the FCR Council) "The FCR Council recognizes the logic of the existence of the College of Agriculture Alumni Council and will exert its best ef­forts to create the highest possible level of harmony and cooperative spirit for these two operations."