Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends
The Alumni Council supports the goals of the Norton School of Human Ecology through the participation in and communication of all relevant activities. During the year, we host graduation celebrations, and alumni receptions for past and present alumni. In addition to the many activities we coordinate and participate in, we raise money for student scholarships while serving as advocates on behalf of the School.
Join the Norton Council of Alumni and Friends!
Alums of the Norton School are automatically a part of the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends and are welcome to participate in our activities and events, but we welcome you to become more involved!
We invite you to become actively involved as a Supporting Member of the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends. As a Supporting Member, you will have a voice to share your opinions and ideas and have a vote in the decisions being made. You will have unique opportunities to participate in programs and activities the Council sponsors. In these especially difficult times, our students can use your support more than ever.
Support the mission of the council
Make a gift of $25 or more to the Norton Operations Fund - have an immediate impact on students and the school through this charitable giving.
- Attend Council meetings - 4 times per year, as a voting member of the Council - share your opinions and ideas!
- Participate in person or via Zoom - Join us from anywhere in the world!
- Provide input for important decisions - It's All of Us! Join us in making decisions!
- Join us in any or all Council and Committee activities and Events
Ways To Give
Alumni Awards
Celebrate the impact of our alumni by honoring remarkable achievements in careers and communities.
Join us at the University of Arizona once again this October 18, 2024 for our annual Homecoming Awards Celebration.

Our history
In the fall of 1979, Helen Goetz had the idea of organizing a group that would unite alumni and the college administration to carry out alumni initiatives. Helen spearheaded the collection of 25 alumni signatures for the establishment of a Council of the School of Home Economics, prepared the bylaws, and a proposed slate of officers. The first executive board of the alumni council were Vivian Bancroft-Swift (President), Beth Martin (Vice President), Jackie Bell (Treasurer), Helen Goetz (Secretary and representative to UA Alumni Board) and Naomi Reich (Faculty Advisor). The official charter was dated June 7, 1980, signed by Alumni Association President Donald Butler and Director of Alumni Michael J. Harold.
In the fall of 1981, a letter to over 10,000 home economics alumni was mailed by the Alumni Association to inform them of the council's inception, in which 300 alumni declared their interest to join.
Forty-eight people attended the first meeting of the '"Home Economics Council of Alumni and Friends" during Homecoming on Saturday, October 24, 1981. Members voted to establish the executive office of the council and named the following: Vivian Bancroft (President), Ingleby Mitchell (Vice President), Jacqueline Bell (Treasurer).
When the College of Agriculture Alumni Council was organized in 1982, seven home economics alumni became members of the board of that council. Since that time, the Council of Alumni and Friends of Family and Consumer Resources, now the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends, has continued to work closely and collaboratively with the college alumni council and it's initiatives to better support the college and all who pass through it.