Supporting Scholars
Our commitment to fostering education and supporting student success would not be possible without the contributions of our alumni and community members. Through scholarships we provide students with the resources they need to excel academically and pursue their dreams. These gifts create lasting impacts that resonate throughout our educational community.
Norton Council Scholarship
Each year, the Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends awards scholarships to current undergraduate and graduate students through a competitive application process. Over $106,500 in scholarships have been awarded to Norton School students since 2015. These scholarships are made possible due to the incredible contributions made by our alumni and friends.
Norton Council Operations Fund
Contributions to the Norton Council Operations Fund help support the operational expenses of the Council. The Council plays a crucial role in serving the alumni and friends of the Norton School, and adequate resources are essential to maintain our programs and services. The operations fund directly impacts our ability to carry out our mission effectively.
Norton Council Graduate Scholarship Endowment
The Cat-A-List graduate student scholarship endowment will build a scholarship fund to support graduate students in the Norton School and to recognize faculty and staff who motivated and inspired students in their academic program. With the rising costs of education, graduate students are more challenged than ever to graduate with as little debt as possible.
Legends Scholarship Endowment
The Norton Council of Alumni & Friends Legends Scholarship Endowment, established by Nancy and Gordon Graham, provides scholarships in perpetuity to Norton School Students. A gift to the Endowment will help ensure that future scholarships will always be available to be given to deserving Norton School students.